l’idole du crépuscule

august october 2023, lago maggiore
the image that we venerate more than the memory itself – ghosts often seen from behind, half vibrating, distorted bodies and fleeing faces. 
space is hollowed out by time


bodies i've distorded because i like them too much


étretat with my friend alexandra, fall 2022

les vilains de paris

2022 mostly during winter

images résiduelles

Residual image is an optical illusion that lasts after original image’s exposure stops. It’s the property of a visual sensation which persists after the disappearance of the stimulus. “Images résiduelles” is a collection of moving images fixed in a frame. Foggy and nebulous just as the first images that come up when we wake up, from dreams to souvenirs.
All those images come from video tapes of mine (respectively shot in Ethiopia, Israel, South of France and Paris on a late 90’s Sony handycam).
I first chose a movement, then dissect it into an ensemble of screenshots to finally edit it through a printing process that involves several steps. Damaging the quality over and over, superimposing the fixed movement of the character or of nature (wind, waves, rain), trying to capture the evanescence material of a past moment.

sans planète

Deformation of a silhouette. Just the movement left. Cancel the face that says too much. Erase the environment.
What would remain of a human ?

sans visage

unexpected deformation.


humans through my eyes.

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